Welcome to Rose & Gold!

Posted by Louise Nornes on

Hand of the Queen Rose & Gold

Today is the opening day for Rose & Gold's online store! I'm so excited. 

Rose & Gold is a London based jewellery brand, where every piece has a story behind it, usually based in mythology and folklore from around the world, and usually with a powerful feminine energy. 

I think that it's ok to be attached to physical things. In fact, I think it's healthy (no I'm not telling you to run off and marry a rock). As humans, we need to take care of both our bodies and our minds to be happy, healthy and fulfilled. It makes sense that we should therefore take care of both the tangible and intangible that surrounds us. 

We've seen our clothes, jewellery and accessories as discardable for way too long, and we know it's having a detrimental impact on the planet we call home. To combat this, some people buy less, but higher quality, some buy second hand, and some make their own. It's undeniable that we love to express ourselves visually, and I we should feel proud to do so. We can do this, whilst keeping and taking care of what we have: Carefully mending what's broken, passing down a piece of jewellery from generation to generation. It creates stories, and stories creates attachment. By creating jewellery that come with their own stories straight out of the box, I hope to encourage this attachment, so that each gives something back to its owner, whilst being loved cared for and worn with pride.


Louise x 

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